Merisa Clues here to bring you the first ever entry on American Girlz Sisters!! As the first ever entry I wanted to welcome you and give you some information on me and my sisters. To start off there are seven of us, me, Daniella, Bella, Mckenna, Lilly, Kristen, and Molly. We all live in Rippling Waters and in a pretty big house. Me and my sisters are SO different, although we do have a few things in common. Like how we all are gonna be on this page! Each day (ish) one of us will write and give advise. Saying that I will need lots of comments. OK? To introduce our system I will name off each sister and tell you their topic thingy.
Mckenna- Sports and problem solving
Bella- Fashion and friends
Daniella- Crafts and After school
Kristen- School and Homework
Molly- Family and Nation Topics
Merisa(me)- Main story of the week and OMG can you believe it?
So that is the gist of it. Please review, tell your friends and more.
-TGIF baby!